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Scoil Mhuire Knockavilla / Knockavilla National School, Tipperary

Hallowe'en Fancy Dress Parade

22nd Oct 2021

Well done to all our pupils and their families for the very creative and artistic costumes which we had on show today. All of the children looked fantastic and really entered into the 'spirit' of the day. We were very lucky to have the opportunity to enjoy the parade on the basketball court as each class took centre stage to show off their spooky style and crazy creations.  Well done to the staff also for joining in on the fun. A great day was had by all!

All the pupils were declared winners and received a small treat as a reward. This year's finalists for the Knockavilla NS Hallowe'en Dress Up perpetual trophy were Maurice Lyons, Aaron Heffernan, Conor Tierney, Robert Alley, Charlie Farrell, Anna McGlinchey, Aaron Heney, Cathal Burke and Adam Cahill. The overall winners on the day were bride and groom, Anna and Charlie.

Oíche Shamhna shona dhíbh go léir.