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Scoil Mhuire Knockavilla / Knockavilla National School, Tipperary
KNS celebrates 50 years: Saturday May 25th at 2pm in Knockavilla church followed by refreshments at the school - all are welcome.
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Juniors to 2nd Class enjoy Drama with Andrea

7th Jul 2022

We were very lucky this year to have Andrea Crowe back with us for a 6-week drama programme with our younger pupils. Andrea has the ability to bring children gently out of their comfort zone and encourages them to enjoy the freedom which drama can offer. The active nature of the sessions allows for increased socialisation, group work and a sharing of ideas. Andrea also uses meditation to restore a sense of calm to the children after a busy session.  During the final session, the pupils had the opportunity to dress up and really get into character as you will see below.