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Scoil Mhuire Knockavilla / Knockavilla National School, Tipperary

September in Senior Infants

18th Oct 2021

Senior Infants have been extremely busy since they have returned to school.  During the month of September we focused on two themes Myself and Space. We focused on each theme for the duration of two weeks.

The theme myself gave the children the opportunity to get to know each other and find out some information about themselves and their family.  Each child named all their family members and what activities they like to do together. The children engaged in a variety of activities during the two weeks such as drawing self-portraits and their family.

We also learned a lot of fascinating facts about Space. It was a very popular theme because it was so interesting and lots of fun! Over the two weeks we learned all about the solar system and astronauts. We learned all about the stars, the moon and the planets. We discussed what it would be like to be an astronaut in space. We read books about Space such as, The Darkest Dark and On the Moon. We definitely have some budding astronauts in this classroom!