Access Keys:

Scoil Mhuire Knockavilla / Knockavilla National School, Tipperary


20th Mar 2024
Well done to all who took part in our Ceolchoirm ar Lá Glas to celebrate Seachtain...
20th Mar 2024
Well done to our 5th and 6th class pupils who took part in the Féile Fichille...
19th Mar 2024
STEM Careers Day at Knockavilla NS We are thrilled to share that last week we hosted...
19th Mar 2024
Scoil Mhuire KNS witnessed great drama on February 9th as their U11 panel sought...
7th Mar 2024
We enjoyed a very special event in the Halla today as the pupils from Knockavilla...
7th Mar 2024
Congratulations to our 17 2nd Class pupils who received the Sacrament of Penance...
2nd Mar 2024
Huge congratulations to our 34 pupils from 5th and 6th Classes who received the Sacrament...
14th Feb 2024
5th and 6th class pupils travelled to Holycross recently for a special Confirmation...
14th Feb 2024
Please support KNSPA with their Family Bingo fundraiser this Friday, 16th February,...
9th Feb 2024
Our U11 boys returned to a heroes welcome following their superb win today. It was...